Lent 2022

Miracles and other reasonable things

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, which is the 40 days that brings us to the foot of the cross on Good Friday, and then to the empty tomb on Easter Sunday morning. As Christians, we know the end of the story. We know of the final miracle of Jesus’ resurrection; it was a miracle that changed the course of human history.

Often, when days come that remind us of our mortality, when we realize we won’t live forever or that our suffering can’t be magically taken away, we crave that headlining miracle. We want the skies or seas to part, we want things fixed, healed, or whole and can often wonder where God is when they’re not. 

And if our faith shatters when we’re waiting for that powerhouse miracle, could we ever really put it back together again?

What if miracles aren’t always humongous headlines, but could be the intimate moments that are close to us? What if God’s Divine intentions have everything to do with the moral arc of the universe, and equally have everything to do with the Spirit that comforts our grief on an average Tuesday morning?

What if miracles aren’t as far away as we think they are?

I hope you’ll join in for Lent as we talk about miracles, mortality, and resurrection.

lenten book study

You are invited to join in reading, “Miracles and Other Reasonable Things” by Sarah Bessey. The study will be on Zoom each Wednesday night at 6:30 PM beginning March 9th.

If you’d like to purchase a book from the church, the cost is $15.

Click here to sign up for the book study.

All are welcome to join! Invite a friend or neighbor!

Giving Instead of Giving Up

from the Justice & Missions Ministry Team

Traditionally Lent is a time when we give up a food, activity, luxury or habit as a sign of self-discipline and sacrifice that mirrors the 40 days before Easter that Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert. Last year, however, Ridgewood participated in a time of "Giving Instead of Giving Up" during Lent in which the church donated items to local charities. This year we would like to again give to charities that exist to help God's people. Each Sunday during Lent we will be collecting specific items needed by Sycamore Farm, JMO (Jesus Mobile Outreach), Southwest Community Ministries and Together for Hope Appalachia .

Sycamore Farm's mission is to provide sexually exploited women a safe opportunity to heal through holistic, trauma-informed residential care and life-long discipleship.

Jesus Mobile Outreach (JMO) provides hot meals, supplies and connection to rehab for those experiencing homelessness in the Dixie Highway area. Ridgewood has had a relationship with JMO for nearly a year as congregants have donated snacks that are delivered weekly with hot meals.

Southwest Community Ministries (SWCM) is a faith-based organization that helps to meet the needs of those in crisis who live in Southwest Jefferson County. SWCM and Ridgewood have partnered together for many years and members of the congregation have played an active role in helping the ministry become what it is today.

Together for Hope (TFH) Appalachia is a rural development coalition, which follows the practice of asset-based community development (ABCD), believing that the key to alleviating poverty in these rural areas already exists with the people who are there.

Please bring donations to church or you may drop them off during the week in a bin located at the back door. Whatever week you bring the donation in will be fine, it doesn't necessarily need to correspond to the week the organization is featured. We will make sure it gets to the right place!

Cheryl Graham & Sheroll Carby, Justice & Missions Co-Chairs

March 6 - Sycamore Farms

toothpaste, tooth brushes, sanitary napkins and tampons 

March 13 - Southwest Community Ministries

laundry detergent and soap (please no Irish Spring due to smell) 

March 20 - JMO (Jesus Mobile Outreach)

6 hour sternos (can be purchased at GFS or on-line), Plastic tarps (8'x10'), First Aid supplies. 

New or gently used 2-3 person tents are also needed. 


female panties sizes 5-7 for Sycamore Farm 

male underwear sizes M-XL for JMO 

April 3, 2022 - SWCM

toilet paper 

April 10 - Together for Hope Appalachia

Trash bags (ALL sizes including commercial sized)

We are so excited about the very real possibility of being able to gather together in person to celebrate the events of Holy Week this year. At this time, surgical masks are still required (and available) for anyone entering the building and distancing is encouraged, but we are so thankful to be worshipping together once again.

Please check out this year's Holy Week activities listed below:

Peace to each of you in these miraculous, holy Lenten days. Continue to pray for each other, and be well!


Rev. Molly Shoulta Tucker, Pastor
